Thursday, September 19, 2013


Why do I never get my assignments done on time in this class? Because I am so PISSED OFF ALL the time. I can never sit down and type because every second of every day I feel like breaking my keyboard, throwing a chair across the room or punching someone so hard I break something, why? Because right now my life SUCKS. {insert sport here} is a joke and it is tearing me fing apart. I come home emotionally exhausted because my shitty teamates are up in my face yelling at me or telling me that IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I have to deal with bitchy girls who whine and complain and blow up for no reason and im sick of it. GROW UP I feel like a one man army standing up to "queen" of all {insert sport here}. If she had dog shit all over her feet people would still kiss them, if she pissed on their face they would still give her cheers and follow her around not because they LIKE YOU. THEY ALL HATE YOU. You're pathetic and take it out on everyone else because you're life is so meaningless. You have to be the center of attention every second yelling and bossing people around because you SUCK at {insert sport here}!!!  You are the biggest two FACE BITCH I have ever encountered. I feel like leaving this school because of some teammates but also because of you "coach". You have ruined my life  ever since I came to this school!! Every day I feel like some forgotten piece of trash on the side of the road because you tear me down constantly!  all you ever have had are key favorites and everyone else is perishables. That ugly look on your face when you realize that I am going to be your key starting player this year is sickening to my stomach. I WAS ALWAYS BETTER THAN YOUR STARTER you NEVER gave me the chance because your favorite poured thousands of dollars into your fund!!  That's total BULLSHIT! I hate every single thing about you because you have ruined my high school experience. I feel stupid and like I don't matter because of the way you talk down to me! Every time I hear your voice I cringe because I always know what you say about me and the way you laugh when I make a mistake. You have torn me down so many times I cannot remember the last time I felt highly of MYSELF. YOU are the one that makes me bawl at night because I feel like I don't matter. YOU are the one that makes me hate going to school every day. YOU are the reason why I am TRANSFERRING BECAUSE I WANT THE HELL OUT OF THIS PLACE. You have made every practice a nice individual hell for me because it entertains you. I worked my butt off trying to show you I was right for the starting position and when you put her in game after game and I saw how much she SUCKED. You ripped out everything I have ever held dear; my self confidence. I KNOW I was better than her! I see you this year and I see how you have no other choice but me for the starting position, I see you panicked because you do not "trust" me. I see those other girls you're trying to train for MY POSITION because you know I hate you and I know you hate me. I am just hoping you see how great I have become so when I leave it leaves you panicked and when you start to lose your games I hope you think of me because I sure will be happy when you do.

1 comment:

  1. Oh snap.

    You must feel better now, right?
